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Can I manage my subscription online?

Yes! Once you create a login, you will have full control of your subscription using our customer portal. This allows you to view upcoming shipments, modify contents, reschedule, and more!.

Creating & logging into your account

How do I know when my next order will ship?

Once you have logged into the customer portal the date of your next shipment will be shown on the main page. It will also provide you with options to send now, reschedule, or skip this upcoming shipment. You can also select "view upcoming orders" whi

Sending, rescheduling, or skipping upcoming order

How do I update my address or payment details?

You are able to update your address and billing details by logging into your account. Next you will see an option for "address and payment details" as shown below. After clicking "address & payment details" you will be directed to options that enable

How do I add more products to my subscription?

Once you are logged into your customer portal, product options populate with a simple "add" button below the items. This will then ask for confirmation on flavor (where applicable), quantity, one-time or recurring order with choice of frequency, as w

Can I change the frequency of my monthly orders?

Yes! Once you log into your account you can select "manage subscriptions". This gives you details of any active or inactive subscriptions and the selection to manage each individual selection. You will then be given options to temporarily reschedule

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you are able to cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account and selecting "Manage subscriptions". Depending on your specific needs we also have options to reschedule or skip upcoming shipments as well as modifying the overa